Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Let me tell you about my name.

I’ve been accused of being a closed person, that I am cool and detached; a mystery to even those closest to me. “What boils beneath? What stirs his soul?” have asked many a person drifting into and out of my life. What a deprivation this inward temporal life can only serve – what a waste, as it is but only a few fleeting moments we share on this earth. So, let me share with you that most personal and intimate piece of myself. Let me tell you about my name

I was named after chocolate, specifically Cadbury Neilson Slowpokes. Perhaps you’ve wondered about the origin of my name; whether there was heritage, familial significance or history attached to it; that perhaps I was named after my father, or his father or a great-grandfather who fought in a war for the salvation of his country. Alas, no, I am not burdened with upholding the rich legacy of my forefathers. Not in my name.

Call me Slowpoke.

A person’s life can be shaped by a name. I am fortunate. How difficult a childhood it would have been if named Macaroons, Willocrisps or Mr. Big?

How can one lead a normal life named “Rain”, “River” or “Leaf” even if spelled “Leif”? And worst of all were the daily traumas of my old friend Charlie Brown. What kind of cruel parents did he have?


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